Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Boy Named Crow

Critical Analysis of 

"The Boy Named Crow"

 from Kafka on the Shore
by Haruki Murakami

              The story entitled "The Boy Named Crow" was excerpted from the novel "Kafka on the Shore" which was written by a Japanese author name Haruki Murakami and published the novel on the year 2002. The story revolves around a boy who needs to face his problems rather than running away from them he could be and independent by her own self knowing what life is really is. The purpose of the story is to give entertainment for the readers and to feel the readers that they need to understand the main purpose of the story and how this story related in our life. 

               In the story the 15-year-old boy wants to escape from their home and to be independent and with his friend named Crow, when he is in street, he experiences the difficulties in life, he thinks that live her own foot is difficult without family, friends and any relatives. He is being strong and tough boy facing all of the struggle and challenges that he encounters in his own life. In the story started when the Crow asking to the boy name is Kafka, if the boy have enough money he need to be separated and leave their house. Crow is being his advisers to pursue to go outside and let it go or left with her family, because even he stay longer in that house his life will never change it, and when he go outside his life wasn’t change it anymore and he experience a lot of struggle and difficulties to find money to provide her needs even a shelter, food, and his need or wants. He needs to find work to earn money to sustain his needs in his own life. When Kafka is in darkness world Crow tells to the Kafka the picture of the sandstorm “Sometimes, fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing direction,” Crow says. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. That sandstorm isn't something that blew in a far away, and Crow explains that all Kafka needs to do is steps into the sandstorm and endure all the hardships while he is inside of the storm. Then when the storm is over, he will be realized that however happen in life or difficulties comes, he needs to be a stronger and fight the problem whenever he goes and whatever happen. Every problem has a solution that we need to fight it before we regret it. 

               When I was listening and reading the story it comes to my mind is confusing because I don’t know why Kafka want to run away from his home, and how Crow is in his life. Then when I read it, I realized that I could understand what it was trying to tells the story of the reader though imagining the situation of Kafka. In this novel the writer wants to know the reading like Kafka is not only a story, also some scene of the story like how the boy struggle in outside and what the boy feels about his life was happening in the real life. If I have chance to advice the boy, I want to say that he need to be positive thinking and be strong all the times because not all the times our destiny is stock in the darkness. God watch us and I know he have a plan to our life his given. because of the story I also motivate myself to be strong, tough and positive like the boy he is tough of the world even life is like hell. Problem is only a problem if you think problem into your life problem comes to you, if you think positively life will be better. The style of the story is uses figure of speech which is metaphor and satire. The theme was discussed in the text in which the theme is facing all the problems rather than running away from them in the story is notice of loneliness, anger, and exaggerate. Some of the example is like this some of teens now wants to run away to their home because they think that their parent is controlling their life or they do sometime like using cigarette, drug and drinking alcohol. This story is comparing to the metaphor because of the word sandstorm of fate which keep on changing its directions. If learn about this story not by reading or listening the story but also comes to my mind and reflect my experience. According to Prajesh Majumder he said, Run away. From what you don’t love. Run away. From one who hates you. Run away. From everything that destroy you or disturb you. Running Away won’t give you a path. Better put a “Full stop” and start dealing with.